Wild garlic heaven!
My favourite foraging time of year is when the wild garlic comes out to play. This fabulous vibrant, succulent leaf is brilliant for adding a delicate flavour to pretty much everything you can think of, as well as sautéing with a little butter to make a delicious side dish all by itself.
It grows well by streams or on riverbanks and anywhere there is shade and lots of water. And once it takes hold, the whole area will fill up with gorgeous emerald green plants and pretty white flowers. Thanks to recent rain, this weekend looks set to be a perfect time to go our harvesting, and I can't wait to try some of the recipes I have planned which will put wild garlic in the headlights. My Wild garlic edit will be out in April but if you're feeling hungry already - check out Wild garlic, spinach and feta spanakopitas in the Recipes section.